
Furnishing Your Home Now, the Eco-Friendly Way
When you think of buying furniture, especially when you need it fast, have you ever considered antiques? There’s a reason why antique furniture is not only an attractive option but also smart!
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Featured in Cool Stuff NYC's Amsterdam Guide
For our American friends planning a visit to Amsterdam, the team at Cool Stuff NYC has put together a fantastic guide, and of course Wildschut Antiques has made this list as well!
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10. Meet the French Royal Style: Napoléon III
Did you know that Napoléon III escaped prison disguised as a lumberjack and was the first French ruler elected by popular vote? Get to know the quirky characters of the French Royals!
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9. Meet the French Royal Style: Louis Philippe
Did you know that Louis Philippe supposedly never stayed somewhere for more than 48 hours and survived seven assassination attempts?
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8. Meet the French Royal Style: Napoléon Bonaparte
Did you know mandatory right-hand traffic was introduced in Europe by Napoléon as a strategy to prevent sword fighting on horseback?
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7. Meet the French Royal Style: Marie Antoinette
Marie Antoinette is referred to as the Queen of Taste, as she often sported an intricate hairstyle that was decorated with unbelievable objects, such as a battleship replica of a French warship.
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6. Meet the French Royal Style: Louis XVI
Louis XVI was the last King of France before the French Revolution. Did you know that he was a huge lock-picking expert?
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5. Meet the French Royal Style: Madame de Pompadour
When Madame de Pompadour was little, a fortune teller predicted that she would grow up to win the heart of a king. From time to time she held a strict diet of celery, vanilla and truffles.
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4. Meet the French Royal Style: Louis XV
Did you know that Louis XV was an enthusiastic amateur astronomer and that his favourite animal was his white angora cat. He was a ladies’ man, although he was described as being extremely shy.
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